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St. Charles Borromeo Music Ministry
O come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!
Psalm 95.1

With musical guidance and fellowship among our members, we strive to provide a committed service of exceptional music, and are always looking for new parishioners to join in our ministry. Being able to read music should never be a physical barrier separating you from sharing your gifts.

Adult Choir

The Adult Choir is currently accepting new members in preparation for the Easter celebrations.


The Adult Choir sings at all 11:00 AM Sunday liturgies. Rehearsals are on Thursday afternoons at 4:30 PM in the choir room located in the back of the Sanctuary.


Youth Singers (5:30 PM)

The Youth Singers practice at 4:45 on Sundays, before Mass begins. The members consist of young adults from the community, members of our Youth Group, as well as students and alumni from St Charles Borromeo School. The youth Mass provides different music from the other Sunday Liturgies.


The youth Mass is always looking for instrumentalists to get involved!

School Music Ministry

Students from St. Charles Borromeo school are invited to participate in the School Choir. Students lead the congregation at the weekly school Mass, which takes place on Friday mornings. They are completely responsible for providing all music at these liturgies, serving as Cantors, Choir, and Musicians.


Besides leading the assembly at the school Mass, the students have been involved in other Masses such as Holy Day Masses, Respect Life Masses, Masses with the Bishop, and the Televised Mass for the homebound.

Haitian Choir

The Haitian Choir was established in 1991 when a group of dedicated and faithful people decided to get together and sing for the Lord. They sing at the 1:00 PM mass every Sunday in French/Creole. The members are welcoming, friendly and take their work seriously. We welcome anyone who wishes to sing along with us!


French translation: En 1991 un groupe d’haitien de l’eglise de St Charles Borromé a décidé de former une chorale pour faire de la celebration liturgique une offrande spirituelle et digne a Notre Dieu. Depuis lors, la Chorale anime la messe d’une heure de l’apres midi chaque dimanche en Français/Créole. Les membres sont très acueillants, aimables, dévoués, familliers et responsables. Nous souhaitons la bienvenue à tous ceux et celles qui veulent y participer.

How do I get involved in the Music Ministry?


There are many ways to serve as a minister of music at St. Charles Borromeo. You can lead the congregation as a Cantor, join one of our Choirs, or serve as an Instrumentalist.


For more information, please contact our Music Director by filling out the contact form to the right.

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