St. Charles Borromeo
Catholic Church
21505 Augusta Avenue
Port Charlotte, FL 33952
Volunteer of the Month (Mar. 2016)
Thank you, Rosie Schindler!
"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's grace" (1 Peter 4:10)

Tell us about your life prior to coming to St. Charles?
I lived in Dayton, Ohio and moved to Pirate Harbor in 1990. We moved to Lake Suzy and made St. Charles our permanent place of worship after hurricane Charley in 2004. My first husband passed away in 1986 after 39 years of marriage. We had adopted a son who passed away at the age of forty. I have one granddaughter. My second husband Rollie, passed away five years ago, after twenty three years of marriage. He had one son and one daughter, both deceased, 3 granddaughters, and 6 great grandchildren.
What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned in life? Regardless of what happens in my life, loved ones dying, or being separated from me, or any other unexpected occurrences, there is always one there to support and console me, Jesus, the good Lord, my rock and savior.
What do you love most about St. Charles? God is here. He is present in the Blessed Sacrament, whom I can receive daily or as often as I can get to church. The people are so caring and friendly. It goes without saying ~ I do love Fr. John. I love the children both at Mass and school. The church structure itself is beautiful and peaceful. Last but not least—the music, I love it!
Why is your faith so important to you? Whatever happens to me, I can always call upon the Lord to sustain me. There are so many things that can happen in one’s life, it’s hard to imagine that anyone could survive without the support and love of the good Lord. I love nature and all of the beautiful things He has created, and I thank Him for all the blessings I receive daily.
Who’s your favorite Saint and why? St. Michael (my father’s middle name) because I believe he saved my twin sister, a neighbor child and me from being run over by a freight train on our way to school. Also, St. Anthony, he always helps me find things.
What would you say to someone who is considering getting involved in a ministry at St. Charles? I would encourage anyone to get involved in ministry at St. Charles. It is very fulfilling, gives one a sense of belonging, and of being of service to God and neighbor.