St. Charles Borromeo
Catholic Church
21505 Augusta Avenue
Port Charlotte, FL 33952
Volunteer of the Month (Jan. 2016)
Thank you, Dan Murphy!
"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's grace" (1 Peter 4:10)

Where did you live before coming to Port Charlotte? I lived in Duxbury, Massachusetts, with my wife Diane. We had five children, one is deceased and the oldest boy is a Franciscan Priest. I have lived in Port Charlotte for 25 years and was an accountant and Income Tax Preparer before retiring.
What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned in life? Listen well. Take time making judgements regarding people.
Why is your faith so important to you? My goal is to be with the Lord. Faith is the path to eternal life.
What ministries are you involved with at St. Charles? I am Head Usher, on the Finance Committee for both Church and School, Liturgy Committee, an Adorer, a member of the Knights of Columbus (3rd Degree), EME, Sacristan and I have served on the Parish Council and the School Board.
What’s your favorite Scripture passage and who is your favorite Saint? The Blessed Mary’s response to the Angel Gabriel — “Behold the Handmaid of the Lord, Be it done according to thy word.” My favorite saint is St. Anthony, Patron Saint of Lost Articles.
What do you love most about St. Charles and What is your favorite memory? I love the parishioners most at St. Charles, they are like family. I also love that the school is here. My favorite memory I’d have to say was when I won the $10,000.00 drawing last year!
What would you say to someone who is considering getting involved in a ministry at St. Charles? I would encourage anyone with a desire to serve the Lord. The Church needs everyone to be involved.